Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Why Not? Part 4: Environmental issues

The year is 2014. Technology keeps improving and expanding and things are becoming more complex and yet simpler to use.

Yet we have still not cured Climate Change.

I bet most of you don't know that because of ice melting in the poles, sea levels will rise in 5 to 10 years. A change of FOUR METRES is to be expected (THAT'S 13.3 FEET!)
People seem to expect the environment to be okay by itself, when really, that attitude is one of the leading factors in finalising the planet's fate.
Statistics show that the planet's face will not be able to bear life by 2040, unless we act on it. Think about it. 2000's kids will DIE before reaching 41. Think about that. Society has decided that the way to "fix" the environment is through false projects which actually make things WORSE!

Hey, NASA could probably stop Global Warming in a few weeks, but two factors stop them from doing this. A, they care more about the repercussions (Which could ALSO be fixed) than what is happening right now, and B, the US government thinks that if it doesn't effect the economy, it isn't important. It isn't relevant.

The repercussions of a change in sea level like that can destroy whole islands and coastal cities! The producers of raw materials upon which the capitalist countries truly rely will be destroyed. Not only that, but many people, hard working citizens, will have to move inland, which can cost a lot with lack of infrastructure for new housing, and community development is already on a small budget.
Just think about it. Islands like St Helena, Mauritius, and some of Hawaii will be inveloped into the waves.

And this is all our fault.
Humans are the reason the earth is crumbling. While we developed and evolved technology, we forgot about nature completely. I mean, I like the internet as much as the next person. But think about what we get internet on and from. Production of these technological goods emits green house gases into the air, which destroy the ozone layer. (There is already an ozone hole)

Development also accounts to these environmental issues. The amazon is destroyed DRAMATICALLY every day. In fact, FOOTBALL FIELDS of trees are cut down to make room for farms and roads. This not only kills the lungs of the earth, but thousands of species are killed each day because we destroy their habitats.

When was the last time you went for a walk in the park or the forest? I can tell you, I go whenever I can. It connects me with nature. As a buddhist, I understand that we as people are connected to everything. And if more people saw that, we would probably not have the knowledge that the next world war will be over water.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Why Not? Part 3: Poverty

The wealth of this world disgusts me. I'm sorry to bring it up abruptly like that, but this really pisses me off. I live in a place without a very good economy. In fact, even a simple t-shirt is gonna cost at least a hundred bucks. This economic state was brought about by apartheid, which ended 20 years ago, and still effects everyday life. Not only has it brought about racism (which I will discuss LATER), but it has put a huge amount of the population into debt.
Now, a little history lesson. When apartheid was raging, the rest of the world refused to trade with South Africa. So, we lost all shares, and our economy began to crumble. Yeah, it seemed like a good idea at the time, but I can't get maltesers at the supermarket, and that pisses me off...
As I was saying, poverty. Whenever I drive towards the airport, the sides of the road start changing from expensive houses to run down shacks, where the blacks and coloureds were forced to live during apartheid. This makes all my trips out that way very depressing, and makes me want to stab every single racist bastard who started and enforced apartheid.
Wealthy people take every little thing they have for granted. This makes me angry. I mean, having a wardrobe full of clothes, a warm bed to sleep in, a cellphone, a laptop, and still..."MOM, I NEED NEW JEANS!"
See what I mean? And I'm not saying I don't do this. I take things for granted on a daily basis. I mean, take my library of books. Would I have that if I were poverty stricken? Probably not.
What is disgusting about the whole thing is how the wealthy treat the poor. They beg on the side of the road, and we just turn our noses up and drive away in our Mercedes, to the grand gala where we'll be sipping champagne and eating caviare.
Ok, maybe not all rich people are invited to galas. My mistake. But that isn't what's important here.
What's important is the fact that the poor need help. The only way to break out of the poverty cycle is through education (or Daddy Warbucks, but I don't think he's taking calls right now) and no matter how much money is put towards their education, the thing that really matters is if they care or not. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
Damn, that broke me down.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Why Not? Part 2: Sexuality

In this modern era, people think there is only one way of doing things. One way of being human. One way of life. A way people try and show this is by judging sexuality. This is only one of the ways that prejudice rules the world. Sexuality is how we dress, how we act, how we think.. and it's also what genders we're attracted to. In this world, the young people use "gay" or "homosexual" as an insult. True, I have grown up with these people, who think that being yourself is unacceptable. But I think that being yourself is a good thing. I have many homosexual or bisexual friends, and I can say that they are just like you or me. They just have different sexual orientations.  See, people decide that just because a person likes a member of the same sex, that they are somehow dis-human in a way. They feel threatened. They feel like they have a disease, that they might catch.
As an example, Russia's anti-gay laws have affected the country to a huge extent. Laws against sexuality are a violation of human rights. People are people. And if a person cannot be with the person they love, how can they go on pretending everything's fine?
They can't.
Another reason I brought this up is because I think that homosexuality is used in terrible ways. I have a really close friend who was called gay because he never found the perfect girl for him. He started believing it. But now he's a talented musician, half trained in psychology, a magician, and he's found the love of his life. People use homosexuality to make people feel small, and drive them to the edge. To pick up the gun, and place it to their temple. The problem is that even with all this proof that sexuality doesn't make you a terrible person, people still judge. They always judge.
Hopefully America wakes up.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Why Not? (Part 1 of 5) : Sexual abuse and Rape

This is an essay I will be writing on the problems in today's culture. As a five part essay, it will cover Sexual Abuse and Rape, Sexuality laws and judgement, Poverty, Environmental issues, and Depression and bullying. Living in an environment where all of this is apparent, I think I will be able to cover all these bases from an honest and factual point of view. But these posts will be opinionated. If you cannot handle a person's opinion, I suggest you leave and let the door hit you on the way out.
So, here is, Why Not?

Sexual Abuse and Rape
This is a current issue in our society. Rape and sexual abuse occur every day. Imagine sitting at home, past midnight, waiting for your friend or sibling or child to come home, worried sick, while they are being hurt, and used. Abused. 
Sexual abuse isn't a joke. It damages the victim permanently, and will leave a mental, and sometimes physical, scar on them. Sexual abuse is the action of touching, kissing, hugging, or having sex with someone against their will. This is done either for pleasure or for revenge. Normally it is the first, but a sexual vendetta isn't unheard of.
Rape occurs multiple times every day, globally. They are just not publishing the stories. Why? Because unless the victim is famous, the attacker is famous, or their is a HUGE scandal, no one cares.
But, if this issue is so apparent, why is it still allowed to happen?
Technically, it is illegal. But you can't teach an old dog new tricks, and people do think they are above the law. Laying a hand on someone, man or woman, if they say no, it is illegal, and it can be reported. It is rape, even if they originally said yes. In the end, if the answer is no, BACK OFF! 
Now, I understand that sexual abuse can occur in the home. And I feel sorry for whoever has to go through that. It makes me sick to imagine the male head of house abusing his authority just to get some physical pleasure. It's disgusting.
The reason this still happens is the result of fear, and ignorance. People are too scared to tell someone what's happening. And then there's the general ignorance of the public, the law, and the government. If they raise the security of the country and apply a bit more focus on Sexual abuse and rape, we might be able to slowly bring it to a stop.
But don't hold your breath. People are idiots.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014


As most people know, self-esteem rules our lives. Self-esteem is that wonderful aspect that comes in with adolescence, (along with the masturbation and the periods) that rules what we do, how we act, what we say...
It's practically the Hitler of puberty.
Now, self-esteem can be VERY HIGH, VERY LOW, or you just have a balanced self-esteem which is just like, "meh, let's just follow the crowd."
A very high self-esteem helps with confidence and feeling good about oneself, but this leads to vanity in most cases, and bitchiness, third degree rude girling, oh, and just being an incompetent, snarky teenager. Of course, these people are always very popular and very, very hot most of the time.
A balanced self-esteem is normally in people who don't really have opinions. They just go with whatever the high esteemed people say. This leads to what I like to call sheepism. I can't imagine a duller existence.
And then there is the low self-esteem. This is normally the reason people are self-concious, nervous, and, of course, depressed. I, being a slightly low self-esteemed person, understand what it's like to go through depression. At times, I look in the mirror and see an ugly, chubby girl looking back at me. And I do not know if that is an illusion or if it is the truth. Because people lie. They will say you're nice when you look terrible. Or they mean it. You just cannot tell the two apart. Basically, I have a case of dysmorphism.
Dysmorphism effects many people. I have been told by the love of my life that I am thin, and beautiful. But why do I not believe him? Because with low self-esteem, some people get bullied, or insulted.
And no one realises this is why we commit suicide. We cannot take life with this problem anymore.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Cracking under the pressure

Social life.
Creative activities.
Oh, and you have two essays. Due tomorrow. In two different languages.
That's what most high school and university students are going through right now. Everyone just EXPECTS that you can keep up. Well, let me tell you, IT ISN'T THAT SIMPLE!
I take 12 subjects. Two of those subjects are languages, seven are mathematical, historical or scientific, and three others are artistic. I have two tests left this term. Life Sciences and Drama.
Most people would expect Drama to be easy.
We had to write out a 13 page essay, and that is what we have to study. For fifty percent of our term mark. A test. THIS FUCKING WEEK!
Theatre Spaces, Ancient theatres, Medieval, Renaissance, Industrial Revolution AND Modern Theatre.
But the problem is, that parents or teachers or professors still expect you to be social, athletic, and academically active. AND they want you to get eight hours of sleep. I haven't slept for SIX hours in WEEKS. No wonder sports are killing me.
I, being a magician, a fencer, a writer AND a well rounded academic pupil (well, at least I like to think that), have a really hard time keeping up. It's insane.
Oh, there's also the fact that I have to live with an annoying family, little siblings, terrible bitches that insult me, AND because I'm a girl, there's the whole, body hair and periods problem.
I think boys are actually luckier during adolescence. I'm not saying they have it easier, but they do.
Yeah, that's where I was getting to.
-The Galactic Piperinsanity

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Breaking the stereotypes

This post has needed to be written for too long.
Stereotypes basically set an example of what a person should be like. Sadly, people sometimes think that stereotypes are facts. If that is true, are all blondes dumb? Two of my friends are blonde, and they're advanced students. And, are all blacks HIV positive? No, they aren't. Not only is that a stereotype, but it's racist.
But I'm here to talk about boys. Women say they have it harder. In many ways, we do. But men don't have what you could call an easy ride through life either.
This came to my attention when my best friend, (Also known as the love of my life) came to my house last night. He needed help.
Most people say that men can handle themselves. This means that people don't usually care about what happens to men. Who cares if a man gets raped? Not as many people as when it happens to a woman. Who cares if a man is killed? Not as much of the population as when a woman is. You see? The stereotypes blind us from helping them and seeing they need help, and I think it's sick.
Many of my best friends are male, and they never tell me about their problems unless I ask. Women normally just burst into tears and complain. I am guilty of this. And, when you ask if they're okay, they will give you the honest to God, or Zeus or whoever answer. Women, however, normally answer with the typical "I'm fine" answer, and hope that you're smart enough to slap them, hug them and say "No, you're not."
The slap is just what I think should happen.
These stereotypes also make it hard to know when a boy, or man is suicidal. You never know until it's too late, because they never let it out.
And I think that fact is the saddest fact in the universe.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Life's meaning

I am asked on a regular basis what the meaning of life is. I guess it's hard to figure out. Most people just expect to find out the meaning of life. It obviously isn't that simple. Life in itself is already a vague, confusing subject.
My take on the meaning of life is to give yourself a purpose. Whether it's following your dreams, or spending time with the love of your life, or even just relaxing and enjoying your existence. It's a purpose.
The reason I bring this topic up is because everyone asks me this question.
The answer is, to do what you want to do. Not everyone will understand how though. But keep in mind, as long as you're following your dreams, it's ok.

Buddhists try reach enlightenment. It's the fact that enlightenment will show you know the neaning of life and answer SO many questions. Through meditation and inner piece is how we plan to reach enlightenment.

Just remember to keep yourself happy.
It'll all be ok.